
2021年5月5日—TheTorProjectnowhasastatuspagewhichshowsthestateofourmajorservices.Youcancheckstatus.torprojectfornewsaboutmajor ...,YourIPaddressappearstobe:,pleaserefertotheTorwebsiteandspecificallythefrequentlyasked ...,Torproject.orgisUPandreachablebyus.Pleasecheckandreportonlocaloutagesbelow...ReportanIssueViewComments(18).,NetworkPerformanceIss...

Check the status of Tor services with

2021年5月5日 — The Tor Project now has a status page which shows the state of our major services. You can check status.torproject for news about major ...

Check Tor Project

Your IP address appears to be: If you are attempting to use a Tor client, please refer to the Tor website and specifically the frequently asked ...

Is Tor Project down? Check all outages is UP and reachable by us. Please check and report on local outages below ... Report an IssueView Comments (18).


Network Performance Issues. Resolved after 1080h 0m ; Tor Weather outage. Resolved after 137h 58m of downtime ; Tor Check outage. Resolved after 12h 25m of ...

Network DDoS

2022年6月9日 — We are experiencing a network-wide DDoS attempt impacting the performance of the Tor network, which includes both onion services and ...

Tor Check

Tor Check ; Tor Check outage. Resolved after 12h 25m of downtime ; outage at main provider. Resolved after 1h 36m of downtime ; routing issues at main provider.

Tor Project status

We continuously monitor the status of our services and if there are any interruptions an update will be posted here. If you need to modify this page, ... is down for us too there is nothing you can do except waiting. Probably the server is overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem.


Tor Exit Node Query | TorStatus Server Details | Opinion Source | Advanced Query Options | Advanced Display Options | Network Statistic Summary | Network ...

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